The focus of this session is on building muscular endurance, or your ability to generate high forces for long periods. This session is designed to involve repeated periods of high force production in the L3-L4 training zones. These sessions generate specific strength adaptations for long-distance triathlon.
Progressive for 15 min
5 x 30 sec L4/30 sec L1
20 min reps at L3b as slight power change every 2 min (5 min recovery*)
Rowe & King's Monday Mixer is a short but focused session, full of structure. In terms of physical stress - the session is regarded as "moderate" - one that can be completed following a hard Sunday ride, and should not leave your legs too fatigued come Tuesday. This session is regarded as 'High Intensity Interval Training' (HIIT) and fits in perfectly alongside longer endurance rides on the weekend.
FAQ: What do the coloured areas overlapping the elevation profile mean?
Segments along the route are coloured along the height profile. Climbs are indicated with red, sprints with green and other segments (e.g. laps or timed segments) with blue.
FAQ: What do the climb categories , , , and mean?
Climbs are categorized based on how tough they are, which depends both on the climb's length and its average incline. The toughest climbs are rated (HC comes from Hors Catégorie, which is French for beyond categorization). Less tough climbs are rated as category , less tough climbs than those are rated as , and onwards with and . Any climb less tough than category four does not get a rating.
FAQ: How can I ride/run on an event only route?
By joining an event you can get into event only worlds and routes. Don't want to join an event or don't see an event with your desired world/route? Use the Zwift Companion app to create a meetup or (for even more choice of worlds and routes) create a club and then an event.