2x3 VO2 Max Effort + Spiked SS
Workout overview
Duration: 1h
Stress points: 73
Zone distribution
Z1: 22m
Z2: 14m
Z3: 1m
Z4: 13m
Z5: 9m
Z6: 1m
Author: Rhian Denton (via TrainingPeaks)
Mixed interval session focusing on VO2 intervals and a block of spiked sweet spot. Working on strength, strength endurance as well as shorter anaerobic efforts.
Start with 5 mins spinning easy, 5 min ramp to threshold and then 6 mins Zone 2, spinning at 85+rpm. You should be fully warmed up before we start our intervals.
The first block is 3x3 mins at VO2 max. Natural cadence throughout, keep pedalling smooth and steady. Recover for 3 mins between each effort.
6 minute block at zone 2 spinning at 85+rpm.
12 minute block of spiked sweet spot - 2:50 at sweet spot and 10s fast leg, high power spikes at the end of each 3rd minute.
Spin easy to cool down for 8 mins at the end.