Workout overview
Duration: 1h 3m 30s
Stress points: 71
Zone distribution
Z1: 33m
Z2: 8m
Z3: 2m
Z4: -
Z5: -
Z6: 21m
Author: ODZwifters
This workout is a quick 30s second on and 15 seconds off for 10min with 5min recovery in-between the 4 sets
The goal with most VO2max intervals is to improve maximum aerobic capacity (power that draws heavily from oxygen rather than sugar stores) by pinpointing repeatable 30-second power to heftily stress the aerobic capabilities in order to improve them.
Short, 30-second recoveries within the sets keep aerobic uptake high lending to higher percentages of oxygen uptake as the intervals accumulate.
Cadence should be at least 100rpm during every interval, but if fatigue forces a lack of control at higher cadences then shoot for 90+rpm and ride smooth.