5min from 50 to 85% of 5k pace1min 1% Incline Walk1min 6% Incline @ 80% of 5k pace1min 1% Incline Walk2min 3% Incline @ 85% of 5k pace1min 1% Incline Walk1min 6% Incline @ 85% of 5k pace1min 1% Incline Walk2min 3% Incline @ 85% of 5k pace1min 1% Incline Walk1min 6% Incline @ 85% of 5k pace1min 1% Incline Walk2min 3% Incline @ 85% of 5k pace1min 1% Incline Walk4min from 60 to 50% of 5k pace
Workout overview

Duration: 25m

Zone distribution

Z1: 11m

Z2: 3m

Z3: 11m

Z4: -

Z5: -

Z6: -


Hello fellow Zwifter—coach Terrence Mahon here. It's great to see that you joined the 2021 Zwift Academy Run program! The next few weeks of training are going to ramp up your running game and help you achieve a new PR by the time we get to the final 5k race. Today is the first of 8 workouts that have been specially designed to improve your speed and endurance - the two elements needed to get you across that finish line faster. We call this one 'Alternating Hill Repeats'. The point of this workout is to introduce you into interval training without having to run too fast. We are going to let the hills do the job of increasing your heart rate and making those lungs burn. We start this session out with a progressive warm-up and then we'll dive straight into the thick of it with 3 sets of alternating 1-minute steep hills followed by a 2-minute hill at a slightly lower incline. We will balance out these two efforts by changing up the running speeds from slower to faster. All in all, this is a great first session to kick off the season and get you back into the running groove. Enjoy.

No longer available in Zwift* More workouts like this

*From Zwift 1.49 (early October 2023), Zwift has decided to reorganize its workout library into new collections. Use More workouts like this to find identical workouts in new workout collections or training plans in Zwift. Workouts that are no longer available in Zwift can be downloaded from the official Zwift forum. See more info here: FAQ: How do I obtain and use old Zwift workouts that are no longer available in Zwift?.

  • 1. Alternating Hill Repeats

    1.5 km | 23 SP

  • 2. The Oregon

    2.1 km | 39 SP

  • 3. Tempo Sandwich

    2.1 km | 39 SP

  • 4. Cutdown Ladder

    2.1 km | 38 SP

  • 5. 5k Intensive Intervals

    2.1 km | 41 SP

  • 6. 5k Specific Over/Unders

    1.5 km | 29 SP

  • 7. Threshold Intervals w/ VO2 Spike

    1.8 km | 34 SP

  • 8. Pace Change Work

    1.5 km | 28 SP

Similar workouts

  • Through The Hills #1

    1.2 km | 20 SP

  • 4. Speed Booster

    1.4 km | 27 SP

  • 1. Walk/Jog: 4 x 1 Laps

    2 km | 25 SP

  • 2. Walk/Jog: 4 x 1 Laps #2

    2 km | 25 SP

  • 8. Pace Change Work

    1.5 km | 28 SP

  • Up & UP & UP

    2.3 km | 29 SP

  • The 30/40 Remixed #1

    1.2 km | 24 SP

  • Roller Coaster

    1.8 km | 30 SP

  • The 30/40 Remixed #2

    1.5 km | 31 SP

  • Anaerobic Run

    1.8 km | 32 SP

  • 3. Tempo Sandwich

    3.3 km | 60 SP

  • Down & Dirty Tempo

    1.8 km | 36 SP