12min from 50 to 85% of 5k pace1min 1% Incline Walk1min @ 100% of 5k pace1min @ 70% of 5k pace1min @ 100% of 5k pace1min @ 70% of 5k pace1min @ 100% of 5k pace1min @ 70% of 5k pace2min 1% Incline Walk5min @ 85% of 5k pace5min @ 87% of 5k pace5min @ 89% of 5k pace2min 1% Incline Walk1min @ 102% of 5k pace1min @ 70% of 5k pace1min @ 102% of 5k pace1min @ 70% of 5k pace1min @ 102% of 5k pace1min @ 70% of 5k pace1min 1% Incline Walk10min from 60 to 50% of 5k pace
Workout overview

Duration: 55m

Zone distribution

Z1: 12m

Z2: 18m

Z3: 9m

Z4: 13m

Z5: 3m

Z6: -


Hi, it's Coach Terrence Mahon again. Great to see you back online and ready to get after our third workout in the Academy. I hope you enjoyed the first two workouts and are excited to try this next one. We call it the 'Tempo Sandwich.' This interval session starts out with a few short intervals at 5k race pace with short recovery to ramp up the heart rate. The workout then switches gears and jumps into a sustained 15-minute tempo run with a slight increase in pace every 5 minutes. Then it finishes off with a final block of intervals at faster than 5k race pace. The purpose of this workout is to model the way that a 5k race is typically run. We usually get out hard and run faster than the race pace in the beginning before settling in and running steady for the middle and then finally cranking it back up and finishing fast once the end is in sight. The only difference here is that we keep the tempo portion in the middle slower than race pace so that we can build up our aerobic fitness. Once you get strong enough at doing sessions like this one, then running the entire session at race pace becomes a lot easier. This session sets the stage for the faster running that comes later on. I hope you like it.

No longer available in Zwift* More workouts like this

*From Zwift 1.49 (early October 2023), Zwift has decided to reorganize its workout library into new collections. Use More workouts like this to find identical workouts in new workout collections or training plans in Zwift. Workouts that are no longer available in Zwift can be downloaded from the official Zwift forum. See more info here: FAQ: How do I obtain and use old Zwift workouts that are no longer available in Zwift?.

  • 1. Alternating Hill Repeats

    2.7 km | 39 SP

  • 2. The Oregon

    3 km | 52 SP

  • 3. Tempo Sandwich

    3.3 km | 60 SP

  • 4. Cutdown Ladder

    3.6 km | 66 SP

  • 5. 5k Intensive Intervals

    3.3 km | 64 SP

  • 6. 5k Specific Over/Unders

    3.3 km | 62 SP

  • 7. Threshold Intervals w/ VO2 Spike

    3.6 km | 65 SP

  • 8. Pace Change Work

    3 km | 53 SP

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