Workout overview
Duration: 50m
Zone distribution
Z1: -
Z2: 25m
Z3: -
Z4: 18m
Z5: 7m
Z6: -
Welcome to another 5K training session. This workout is aimed at strengthening the way your body operates in high-intensity situations. How do we do this? Through a combination of lactate threshold training and anaerobic intervals. We'll build cardiovascular strength and leg speed using short, quick surges that are designed to make running fast feel easier over time. Towards the end, we'll pick up the pace and amplify the effort on the last two intervals to simulate a fast-race finish.
No longer available in Zwift* More workouts like this
*From Zwift 1.49 (early October 2023), Zwift has decided to reorganize its workout library into new collections. Use More workouts like this to find identical workouts in new workout collections or training plans in Zwift. Workouts that are no longer available in Zwift can be downloaded from the official Zwift forum. See more info here: FAQ: How do I obtain and use old Zwift workouts that are no longer available in Zwift?.