Workout overview
Duration: 52m 40s
Stress points: 48
Zone distribution
Z1: 29m
Z2: 3m
Z3: 1m
Z4: 20m
Z5: -
Z6: -
Author: Spokes Personal Coaching(TeamZF)
The Goal Of This Session is to develop race pace with short explosive efforts.
We have 4x Zone4 blocks followed by a short seated sprint.
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Aerobic endurance is when you are able to continuously transport oxygen throughout your body for long periods of time.
Using the zonal system set by Maximum Minute Power (MMP) this would be identified in zones 1-4. It’s important to note that,
regardless of how you set or define your zones, there will be some cross-over. The variation can be limited by the use of a power meter but, regardless,
there will be points where you will get adaptation typically seen when training in one zone whilst actually being in another.
Fatigue will also play a factor in this sort of training as the more tired you become the less targeted zonal training will become.
Each range will produce a slightly different adaptation in your body but zones 1-4 are all aerobic.
The higher zones 3 and 4 will be harder work. You’ll need to ease yourself into these if you are not used to it,
have had a break from training or are coming back from injury. It can be fatiguing and your body will need time to get used to it.
Intervals are common the more intense you get, and you will need to allow recovery time between each effort so you can sustain the higher intensity for longer periods overall.
I would suggest that as a guide the top of zone 4 would also be approximately your Functional Threshold Power (FTP)
or the highest amount of power you could sustain continuously for an hour. However, as I mentioned earlier, there may be some cross-over.
Short term muscular endurance: Zone 6
This is the biggest difference in terminology between the British Cycling (BC) and TrainingPeaks (TP) methodology.
Short Term Muscular Endurance (STME) as part of the BC method refers to a very brief period of time where you sustain a higher amount of power.
The TP method suggests this is a higher aerobic endurance. If you use FTP to set your zones, you might consider this Sweet-Spot (SS) training.
For me, STME would be your zone 6 area. The top end would be the most you could sustain for three minutes, although not much else would happen immediately after! Then below that,
you’d drop intensity and sustain the effort for longer.
You will be in this zone for any hill climb time trials or if you are breaking away or bridging a gap you’ll probably start in this zone before settling into one below.
To train this you’ll use intervals; you could do hill reps, jumps (very hard but short sprint-like efforts to build explosive power) or attack intervals (more sustained,
maybe three minutes but at a very high intensity), which is where you may be thinking about how you will break away in a road race—an incredibly intense effort with the aim of getting a gap,
and so on. Make it specific to your event. Add in plenty of recovery in between each interval so that they are all completed well.
The point at which your performance drops so much that it is no longer worth continuing is often a point for discussion, I’d go with 10%,
so if you’re aiming for 300 watts then when 270 becomes impossible you could call it a day and focus on being recovered for your next session.
Some exceptions to this might be where you are looking to force your body to respond better under fatigue, such as during a last minute breakaway effort.
About the workout designer: Pav Bryan 6+ Years of Professional Coaching
Bikes Etc Magazines Cycling Guru. Director and Head Coach at Spokes personal coaching and Nutritionally Fit.
Team Manager at Spokes personal coaching Cycling Team. Pioneer of Truly Personal Coaching and Truly Personal Nutrition.
Responsible for a team of five coaches, Pav is a well-respected coach within the cycling community.
Pav is experienced in public speaking and has presented numerous times around the world including being the 1066 Cycling Festivals Guest Speaker.
Copyright of TeamZF