10min from 25 to 75% FTP
5min @ 80% FTP
4x 1min @ 83% FTP,
30sec @ 200% FTP
5min @ 50% FTP
4x 1min @ 83% FTP,
30sec @ 200% FTP
5min @ 50% FTP
4x 1min @ 83% FTP,
30sec @ 200% FTP
5min @ 50% FTP
4x 1min @ 83% FTP,
30sec @ 200% FTP
5min @ 80% FTP
5min from 75 to 25% FTP
Workout overview
Duration: 1h 4m
Stress points: 131
Zone distribution
Z1: 25m
Z2: 5m
Z3: 26m
Z4: -
Z5: -
Z6: 8m
Author: Direct Power Coaching (Zwift FItness)
The Goal Of This Session: is to develop sustainable power or race pace, and peak power plus sprinting technique
This must be MAINLY within the Aerobic Endurance Zones 1-4. Sprint targets are 30sec efforts.
Fuel well before. Aim for no food during & only electrolyte or low carb drink - refuel halfway but take a bar of gel in case you feel dizzy!
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