Workout overview
Duration: 50m
Zone distribution
Z1: -
Z2: 22m
Z3: 2m
Z4: 25m
Z5: 1m
Z6: -
So you think you have what it takes to take on the Norseman Workout Series?
Thank goodness the bike is over. All that elevation is in your legs as you jog out of T2 in picturesque Austbygde, smiling and high fiving your support crew in the process. Just a marathon left, all you can think about is that famous black jersey.
This run workout brings the speed and is aimed to help push your threshold. Intervals just below threshold will make your legs strong and fast, so no skipping out on interval day.
This workout starts with a 8 minute progressive warm up followed by two 30 second strides to get the heart rate up and the legs prepped. The main set is made up of five 5 minute intervals. 25 minutes of really high quality work. This 50 minute workout will wrap up with a 4 minute decreasing effort cooldown.
Think you have what it takes? Check out all of the Norseman Run and Bike workouts to help you prepare for the Norseman Festival of Climbing July 27th - August 2nd.
*From Zwift 1.49 (early October 2023), Zwift has decided to reorganize its workout library into new collections. Use More workouts like this to find identical workouts in new workout collections or training plans in Zwift. Workouts that are no longer available in Zwift can be downloaded from the official Zwift forum. See more info here: FAQ: How do I obtain and use old Zwift workouts that are no longer available in Zwift?.