Refnined, tried, tested, and proven. The best warm up protocol I've used over the years to achieve the best performance in time trials, criteriums, road races, even FTP tests!
See the full run-down on YouTube (Shane Miller - GPLama)
10mins Free Ride (Warm up) 8mins FTP (Steady state.....) BANG! INTO 20 SEC @150% x5 with free ride recoery. 5 mins rest... do whatever you like here.... BANG AGAIN! GET INTO IT! 5mins just abouve FTP to finish it out. This last interval your legs should feel blunt.. like an old knife.
Two 19min efforts. One over the bridge.... and one back! When you're done post it up on Strava, Twitter, Instagram and tag @gplama so I can see how you went!
My own session used to prepare for the 13km ITT in the annual Tour of Bright stage race in Victoria, Australia.
Once you're done be sure to tag me (Shane Miller / @gplama) on Strava, Instagram, Twitter, or wherever you post it so I can see how you went. Good Luck!
- *IMPORTANT* Set your FTP to 100W before starting this workout. - Complete the test through to failure. - Record your failure stage and duration in seconds. - Calculate your MAP and estimated FTP. (as per documentation) - Calculate 105% of your FTP and perform the 20minute FTP test to validate the figures.
- Contact if you want to perform this under true lab conditions under the watchful eye of Dr Stephen Lane.