Workout overview
Duration: 48m
Stress points: 62
Zone distribution
Z1: 18m
Z2: 9m
Z3: 2m
Z4: 12m
Z5: -
Z6: 6m
When you need to constantly perform small surges of power—and keep pushing hard between these surges like in a Time Trial or when in fast paceline in a group ride—you're going to need excellent lactate tolerance. The better you are at metabolizing lactate, the better your endurance.
This session has two goals: enhance lactate tolerance, which allows you to perform at intensities above your FTP for longer, and boost your VO2 Max. This session will hold you at a high VO2 max over the majority of each set and raise your maximal aerobic capacity.
Coach's Tip: Zwift Academy Road was developed with structure in mind. For best results, complete the workouts in order.
This training program was designed by Stephen Gallagher and Dan Fleeman from Dig Deep Coaching. Their complete coaching approach ensures every Zwift Academy athlete learns the building blocks for successful training.