The challenge is to complete 4 short, high intensity intervals of increasing power, after first opening with a steady 15min Tempo effort.
By working aerobically in the early 15min effort you will be improving the ability to deliver oxygen to the working muscles and preserve your carbohydrate stores for the finishing maximal efforts.
Building upon your earlier HIT 80% session, today we are increasing the number of intervals with 5 x 5min moderate intensity efforts.
Training at the top end of the Tempo range will improve your aerobic capabilities by increasing muscle glycogen stores. Take note of your HR during the intervals.
With only a short recovery period of 1min, the aim is to bring heart rate back to normal recovery levels after each effort.
After warming up you will be completing 2 x 11min 'progressive' intervals. Starting out with a comfortable sub-threshold effort, you will finish with a 1min above threshold effort.
Finally the session is completed with a 10min steady threshold effort.
After completing 2 progressive intervals, the final effort should feel relatively comfortable.
By building up some lactate prior to completing a sub-threshold effort, you will be training your body to clear lactate while improving the efficiency of your aerobic system.
After warming up you will complete 4min of 40/20, leading straight into 10min sub-threshold.
The standard FTP test starts off with a long easy warmup, a few ramps, and a 5 minute effort to get the legs pumping. After that it's time to give it your all - and go as hard as you can for 20 solid minutes. Pace yourself and try to go as hard as you can sustain for the entire 20 minutes - you will be scored on the final 20 minute segment.
Upon saving your ride, you will be notified if your FTP improved.