Workout overview
Duration: 50m 30s
Stress points: 57
Zone distribution
Z1: 16m
Z2: 8m
Z3: 9m
Z4: 17m
Z5: 1m
Z6: -
Today's workout, '2004' is the first in a series of 6 workouts designed to help you prepare for Rapha's Festive 500 Challenge - 500km in eight days.
Rapha was founded in 2004.
You will complete 2 x 15 minute blocks, each containing a 10 minute ramped effort, followed by a short block of 'Over-Unders' where we tip above and under your threshold before a big 30 second push at the end. You will spend a lot of time during todays session just below your threshold power, with a small amount above your FTP - an efficient way to help improve your endurance.
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