Below is a list of all currently scheduled Zwift group workout events.
Click on a row to show more details about the workout(s) in the event. Use the filters to filter out group workouts based on your criteria. Note: See the FAQ's on the bottom of this page for more info.
In today's session we are focusing on 3min VO2 max efforts. However, we are going to escalate the intensity of each interval. Starting with 'hard' and finishing with 'hardest'!
Today, we'll be aiming for around 16mins of VO2 Max time and incorporating a 40/20 interval approach which will challenge you for sure! Let's make it happen today! REMINDER: You can always adjust the FTP bias via the arrow keys on your keyboard, or the Zwift Companion app. Once you get over threshold, using a %FTP for workout prescription can get murky, so always adjust as needed.
This workout is designed to improve your power over durations ranging from 45 seconds to 3 minutes, focusing on the intense efforts needed to make an attack. You'll tackle several high-intensity intervals with enough recovery time to ensure you can give your maximum effort in each one.
This session consists of a progressive warmup, followed by... 5 intervals of 10 seconds @ 150% FTP by 1.50 minutes @ 90% FTP, followed by 4 intervals of 60 seconds @ 115% FTP, by 2 minutes @ 65% FTP, followed by 1 interval, 60 seconds @ 130% FTP.
This session consists of a progressive warmup, followed by... 5 intervals of 10 seconds @ 150% FTP by 1.50 minutes @ 90% FTP, followed by 4 intervals of 60 seconds @ 115% FTP, by 2 minutes @ 65% FTP, followed by 1 interval, 60 seconds @ 130% FTP.
5 different interval "amalgams" for your fitness pleasure! We'll mix it up today with position changes, pedal stroke work, longer threshold intervals, and the dreaded 'Shark Teeth' efforts!
Big session today! We open with 6 x 2min Anaerobic Capacity efforts, however the target power increases from 'hard' to 'very hard'! The workout concludes with a 6min VO2 effort featuring the same steady increase in target power.
A series of progressive intervals where each successive interval is a higher intensity than the last. The Escalation in intensity will challenge you to dig deeper as you get more fatigued.
The Ham Sandwich features sweet spot over/unders, with 30/30s "sandwiched" in between. The over/under intervals are alternate between 2 minutes Z3 (88%) and 30 seconds Z5 (110%). The 30/30s up the ante a bit and alternate between 30 seconds Z6 (130%) and 30 seconds Z1 (50%). Yes, there are rest breaks, but they are purposely short to keep the heart rate and metabolic demands up, and I dislike rest (kidding!) Better eat your sandwich quick before the bread gets soggy...
Sustaining high levels of lactate requires specific training. This ability to tolerate lactate only comes with precise intervals in training. We can all produce a one off effort to build lactate, but with carefully planned intervals we can maintain this high level of lactate for an extended period. This is where the training effect happens!
3x 5min @ 100% of 1mi pace, 3min @ 55% of 1mi pace
5min @ 74% of 1mi pace
5min @ 60% of 1mi pace
Workout overview
Duration: 1h
Stress points: 81
Zone distribution
Z1: -
Z2: 19m
Z3: 26m
Z4: -
Z5: 15m
Z6: -
Author: Team Fearless
Fearless Fartlek. Fartlek, which means speed play in Swedish, is continuous training with interval training. Fartlek runs are a very simple form of a long distance run. Fartlek training is simply defined as periods of fast running intermixed with periods of slower running. For some people, this could be a mix of jogging and sprinting, but for beginners it could be walking with jogging sections added in when possible.
All the Unicorn workouts are based off of the visual spectrum (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet (purple)) with the same order of easiest to hardest. So, Red Unicorn features the least training load, Orange Unicorn the second, etc.
The Spaded Sweetie starts off with a 15 minute warm up to prime the engines and ready the mind. Then, we move into a spade interval set starting off very hard, but short, and gradually reducing the intensity while upping the time... Only to go back up again! From there, we will move into a progressive over/under sweet spot interval featuring changes in cadence and intensity that culminates in a 1min FULL GAS effort! This is a tough workout, but feautures a lot of quality time at VO2 and threshold.
This is a great workout to do on a consistent basis as it works on muscular strength and endurance! We'll also keep a focus of high torque during the burst efforts today.
Aktivitus 2h ZWO The workout is 120min and starts with a 15min warmup. First main block is 2 sets of SST to wear us down and to get a time effective local aerobic development.
The second block contains 20x30/60sek intervals. 30sec at 150% of FTP with a 1min active rest. This is highly anaerobic which gives us an improved lactic tolerance and an increased anaerobic stanima. However, in a worn-out state these intervals will also stress your aerobic development. That means you oxygen transport into your working muscles will get better. Your endurance will thereby increase.
5 different interval "amalgams" for your fitness pleasure! We'll mix it up today with position changes, pedal stroke work, longer threshold intervals, and the dreaded 'Shark Teeth' efforts!
Zone 2 training is one of the most important aspects of any training plan. We do not always get faster by training faster.
In Zone 2 training we are stimulating your type I muscle fibers - slow twitch.
Spending time in Zone 2 is absolutely essential to improving performance. This workout is a mashup of shorter zone 2 workouts (Zone 2 £#1, Cadence Pyramid & Aerobic Threshold Development) to get a long and varied zone 2 workout.
All the Unicorn workouts are based off of the visual spectrum (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet (purple)) with the same order of easiest to hardest. So, Red Unicorn features the least training load, Orange Unicorn the second, etc.
Uphill Battle starts off with 3 sets of 5 mins right below Threshold (95% FTP) featuring a 30 second ramp-up to finish (from 100% FTP to 150% FTP). After these, we will be moving onto 2 sets of 30/30s (30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest). The first set is done at 130% FTP for the work interval and 70% FTP for the "rest". The second set ups the ante a bit to 140% FTP for the work interval and 60% FTP for the "rest". Do you have what it takes to finish it? I know you can!
This session aims to replicate the demands of a mountain bike ride / event.
Mountain biking generally involves far more variations in effort compared with road riding - so plenty of surges and time spent being over geared! We also spend a lot of time 'on and off' the power, so short spells going hard to get over an obstacle, followed by a freewheel or very low power on a descent or little dip.
We touch upon all of these aspects in todays session, as we start off alternating every 30 seconds between riding hard at a low cadence, and riding easy - as if we are riding through an undulating single track. Then we make a ramp in effort, which finishes with a 30 second near max effort up a steep, rocky banking!
This workout is a gradual burner. You will build fatigue over the duration of the session, which will raise your heart rate and require a higher breathing rate as you progress into the ride. Developing your VO2 max requires working at a high level–so be prepared for a hard session!
Being able to ride at a percentage of your VO2 max is crucial in competitive events, especially in the virtual racing world as the 45min to 1hr races require lots of accumulated time spent close to your maximal aerobic limit. This session stresses this system and helps you develop stronger as we push your heart rate and oxygen consumption rates to a high level.
VO2 max is not a single power number but a physiological state that equates to the amount of oxygen a person can utilize during intense exercise. There are several ways to enhance your max.
In this session, we focus on an incremental rise of VO2 uptake. This progression allows us to sustain prolonged levels closer to our VO2 max, versus shorter/higher-powered efforts.
We do 3x 8min ON/OFF blocks, increasing from 20, 30, to 40sec 'On' while reducing the 'Off' durations. The 'Off' intensity is not a full recovery, so oxygen uptake is always being stimulated throughout the 8min blocks.
We finish the session with a 4min build. For most athletes, you'll find yourself near your VO2 max within the last minute of this interval. Get ready for a solid workout!
This session aims to replicate the demands of a mountain bike ride / event.
Mountain biking generally involves far more variations in effort compared with road riding - so plenty of surges and time spent being over geared! We also spend a lot of time 'on and off' the power, so short spells going hard to get over an obstacle, followed by a freewheel or very low power on a descent or little dip.
We touch upon all of these aspects in todays session, as we start off alternating every 30 seconds between riding hard at a low cadence, and riding easy - as if we are riding through an undulating single track. Then we make a ramp in effort, which finishes with a 30 second near max effort up a steep, rocky banking!
In today's session we are focusing on 3min VO2 max efforts. However, we are going to escalate the intensity of each interval. Starting with 'hard' and finishing with 'hardest'!
WARM UP: -10 minutes gradually progressing from Zone 1 to Zone 3. -3x30 seconds priming efforts at progressing intensity and cadence, with 30 seconds easy between. -2 minutes easy. ------ MAIN SET: -5 different interval "amalgams" for your fitness pleasure! ---INTERVAL 1: 85% FTP all day. We will be mixing it up with on-bike position changes as well as working on pedaling fluidity. ---INTERVAL 2: A BEAST! 10 minutes right @FTP...You can do it! ---INTERVAL 3: Some short and sharp efforts...6x (15 seconds @110% FTP, 45 seconds rest) #power! ---INTERVAL 4: "Shark Teeth!"...3x (60 seconds ramping up from 105-115% FTP, then 60 seconds ramping down from 115-105% FTP)...Only 1 minute break between these! ---INTERVAL 5: We finish off today with ANOTHER 10 minutes right @FTP! Even though you'll be tired, I know you can do it! #mentalstrength ------ COOL DOWN: -5 minutes gradually reducing from Zone 2 to Zone 1.
Zone 2 training is one of the most important aspects of any training plan. We do not always get faster by training faster.
In Zone 2 training we are stimulating your type I muscle fibers - slow twitch.
Spending time in Zone 2 is absolutely essential to improving performance. This workout is a mashup of shorter zone 2 workouts (Zone 2 £#1, Cadence Pyramid & Aerobic Threshold Development) to get a long and varied zone 2 workout.
B INDOOR ENDURANCE+ 15min Z2 reps stimulus set of 12sec reps at 150%+ ::x4
20min from 35 to 55% FTP
4x 5min @ 69% FTP, 1min @ 46% FTP
12min @ 85% FTP
5min @ 100rpm, 40% FTP
16x 12sec @ 142% FTP, 1min 18sec @ 30% FTP
5min @ 80rpm, 66% FTP
5min @ 70rpm, 69% FTP
5min @ 60rpm, 71% FTP
5min @ 46% FTP
5min @ 80rpm, 66% FTP
5min @ 70rpm, 69% FTP
5min @ 60rpm, 71% FTP
5min @ 46% FTP
5min @ 80rpm, 66% FTP
5min @ 70rpm, 69% FTP
5min @ 60rpm, 71% FTP
5min @ 46% FTP
5min @ 80rpm, 66% FTP
5min @ 70rpm, 69% FTP
5min @ 60rpm, 71% FTP
5min @ 46% FTP
5min @ 80rpm, 66% FTP
5min @ 70rpm, 69% FTP
5min @ 60rpm, 71% FTP
5min @ 46% FTP
5min @ 80rpm, 66% FTP
5min @ 70rpm, 69% FTP
5min @ 60rpm, 71% FTP
5min @ 40% FTP
12min @ 85% FTP
5min @ 100rpm, 40% FTP
10min from 55 to 35% FTP
Workout overview
Duration: 3h 52m
Stress points: 165
Zone distribution
Z1: 1h 35m
Z2: 1h 50m
Z3: 24m
Z4: -
Z5: -
Z6: 3m
Author: Aaron Geiser (via TrainingPeaks)
The focus of this, indoor, endurance+ ride, is to complete an extended duration of steady-state focussed blocks of riding in Z2 plus short sprint intervals targeted at stimulating glycogen breakdown, activation of aerobic pathways and fat metabolism in the subsequent Zone 2 reps. This approach can provide two synergistic stimuli that can be particularly effective for the time crunched athlete unable to fit in separate rides.
These workouts should be done in ERG mode but let HR be your guide for zone 2 intervals, keeping below your zone 2 HR limit where appropriate. For the POWER sets let ERG control your power in this targeted zone.
From a physiological perspective, these sessions help build power and strength but also promote fat oxidation, and structural changes at a muscular level, such as increased mitochondrial content and capillarization while providing a strong O2 competent as well.
Progressive for 10 min
5min at 70%
1min at 50%
10 Min Steady State Effort (L3a-L3b) 5 min recovery
12sec reps at L6 (78sec recovery)
Start at a LOW cadence <50rpm and build through the rep to 90+ rpm at the end
Reps at L2 (5 min recovery)
10 Min Steady State Effort (L3a-L3b) 5 min recovery
B INDOOR ENDURANCE+ 15min Z2 reps stimulus set of 12sec reps at 150%+ ::x4
20min from 35 to 55% FTP
4x 5min @ 69% FTP, 1min @ 46% FTP
12min @ 85% FTP
5min @ 100rpm, 40% FTP
16x 12sec @ 142% FTP, 1min 18sec @ 30% FTP
5min @ 80rpm, 66% FTP
5min @ 70rpm, 69% FTP
5min @ 60rpm, 71% FTP
5min @ 46% FTP
5min @ 80rpm, 66% FTP
5min @ 70rpm, 69% FTP
5min @ 60rpm, 71% FTP
5min @ 46% FTP
5min @ 80rpm, 66% FTP
5min @ 70rpm, 69% FTP
5min @ 60rpm, 71% FTP
5min @ 46% FTP
5min @ 80rpm, 66% FTP
5min @ 70rpm, 69% FTP
5min @ 60rpm, 71% FTP
5min @ 46% FTP
5min @ 80rpm, 66% FTP
5min @ 70rpm, 69% FTP
5min @ 60rpm, 71% FTP
5min @ 46% FTP
5min @ 80rpm, 66% FTP
5min @ 70rpm, 69% FTP
5min @ 60rpm, 71% FTP
5min @ 40% FTP
12min @ 85% FTP
5min @ 100rpm, 40% FTP
10min from 55 to 35% FTP
Workout overview
Duration: 3h 52m
Stress points: 165
Zone distribution
Z1: 1h 35m
Z2: 1h 50m
Z3: 24m
Z4: -
Z5: -
Z6: 3m
Author: Aaron Geiser (via TrainingPeaks)
The focus of this, indoor, endurance+ ride, is to complete an extended duration of steady-state focussed blocks of riding in Z2 plus short sprint intervals targeted at stimulating glycogen breakdown, activation of aerobic pathways and fat metabolism in the subsequent Zone 2 reps. This approach can provide two synergistic stimuli that can be particularly effective for the time crunched athlete unable to fit in separate rides.
These workouts should be done in ERG mode but let HR be your guide for zone 2 intervals, keeping below your zone 2 HR limit where appropriate. For the POWER sets let ERG control your power in this targeted zone.
From a physiological perspective, these sessions help build power and strength but also promote fat oxidation, and structural changes at a muscular level, such as increased mitochondrial content and capillarization while providing a strong O2 competent as well.
Progressive for 10 min
5min at 70%
1min at 50%
10 Min Steady State Effort (L3a-L3b) 5 min recovery
12sec reps at L6 (78sec recovery)
Start at a LOW cadence <50rpm and build through the rep to 90+ rpm at the end
Reps at L2 (5 min recovery)
10 Min Steady State Effort (L3a-L3b) 5 min recovery
Today, we'll be aiming for around 16mins of VO2 Max time and incorporating a 40/20 interval approach which will challenge you for sure! Let's make it happen today! REMINDER: You can always adjust the FTP bias via the arrow keys on your keyboard, or the Zwift Companion app. Once you get over threshold, using a %FTP for workout prescription can get murky, so always adjust as needed.
Big session today! We open with 6 x 2min Anaerobic Capacity efforts, however the target power increases from 'hard' to 'very hard'! The workout concludes with a 6min VO2 effort featuring the same steady increase in target power.